Don’t wait any longer to earn them! Sign up now!

JUNIOR FIRST OFFICER Earn this recognition after reaching 30 flight hours with the company (XP:6000) and completing feedback on basic aviation knowledge and OM-A. Showcase your skills with VHOLAR by passing your first test with flying colors!
SENIOR FIRST OFFICER Earn this recognition after reaching 200 flight hours with the company (XP:24000)
CAPTAIN OF VHOLAR Earn this recognition after reaching 500 flight hours with the company (XP:50000), completing written feedback on general aviation knowledge and basic operation of Airbus aircraft and OM-A. You’ll earn it with your rank up… Bridge the gap between being a gamer or a true Flight Simmer. You’ll feel proud because it won’t be easy to earn. Are you up for the challenge?
FIRST FLIGHT... NO CRASH! Earn this medal by surviving your first flight... if you make it through unscathed, let us know
AIRBUS PILOT Earn this recognition by flying 300 hours on Airbus and completing a short quiz with basic questions about this aircraft, during a flight where anything can happen. Requirements: 300 consecutive hours in A320S with VHOLAR, and a total of 50000XP.
SKILLS 15 approaches to: SKPC (RNP07 circling 25), SKVV (VOR 05/23), SKPS (RNP AR 02), SKIP (RNP 08), SKEJ (VOR 04 circular 22), SKFL (VOR-A 12), and MHTG. Rules: 1- ONLINE flights on IVAO. 2- Minimum one approach per airport (No charter flights accepted). 3- Approaches must be fully stabilized at 500ft AFL. 4- Landing rate not exceeding 200ft/min. 5- Aircraft Category C.
PILOT SUPPORT Earn this award by ferrying aircraft under specific conditions set for each flight. Pilots who achieve 15 points will earn this medal. Each transfer earns +1 point.